IT and infrastructure

Information technology and infrastructure planning are part of all planning tasks and work processes in the Agency, such as the processes of document management, preparation of the spatial database, development of infrastructure planning solutions and cartographic additions that are an integral part of Spatial and Urban Plans.

The range of activities in this area, performed by the Agency is the following:

  • maintenance, development and upgrade of the IT system and its functionalities in accordance with the strategic documents for development of the Agency;
  • organization, maintenance and updating of the single geo-referenced spatial information system, GIS analysis and data acquisition;
  • organization of the document management system – DMS and applications for controlling the work processes;
  • training of employees to work with IT tools and application solutions.
  • development of infrastructure solutions for Spatial and Urban Plans and infrastructure projects,
  • drafting expert analyzes, studies, reports and information in the field of Infrastructure.

Over the past years, the Agency has implemented several independent IT projects in order to increase the technological level and efficiency of operations by applying sophisticated information technology and studies with emphasis on the development of water management, energy and communication infrastructure.