Planning is a continuous process of development, adoption and implementation of Spatial and Urban Plans in order to ensure the organisation and humanization of our surrounding space and the protection and promotion of the environment and nature. Depending on the physical space which is subject of the planning, the following types of Plans are adopted:
1. Spatial plan of the Republic of Macedonia
- Spatial plan of the Republic of Macedonia
- Spatial plan of a Region
- Spatial plan of an Area of Special Interest to the State
2. Urban plans:
- general urban plan,
- detailed urban plan
- urban plan for villages and/em>
- urban plan outside of a settlement.
The spatial plan of the Republic of Macedonia and the urban plans are continuously harmonized and supplemented. Their adoption and implementation is mandatory.
3. For the purpose of arranging the physical space, depending on the type of construction that is subject to planning, the following types of urban planning documentation are prepared:
- Local urban planning documentation (LUPD),
- urban planning documentation (DUPD) kept
- urban planning documentation for tourism development zone (UPDTRZ)
- urban planning documentation for auto camp (UPDA)
- urban planning documentation for buildings of special interest (UPDGPI)
4. Urban project documentation is:
- Architectural urban project (AUP)
- Infrastructure Project (IP)
5. Regulatory plan of a General Urban Plan is a plan used to develop a planning scope of the general urban plan (GUP), in order to set boundaries for detailed planning. 6. Until the adoption of the Urban Plan for a Village (UPS), the construction in the villages that do not have urban documentation, can be done under conditions and in a way that will be determined by a General Act of the Municipality, i.e. a municipality in the City of Skopje. The planning of the physical space is done for a period of at least:
- 15 years for the Spatial Plan of the State
- 10 years for General Urban City plan, Urban Plan for a Village and Urban Plan outside of a Settlement
- 5 years for a Detailed Urban Plan